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Notes from the Lily Pad

Archive of news and announcements from Stony Creek Swim Center

It’s never too early to learn to swim!

What is Water Babies? Our Water Babies class is the very first class we offer for newborns as young as 4 weeks. The only requirements is that the child’s umbilical cord has already fallen off and that the child have a little bit of head control. Most newborns have reached both of these milestones by […]

Consistency in a Chaotic World

If your life is anything like ours, you are running from one activity to the next, squeezing in dinner, and grasping at a little down time whenever possible. This is the world we live in: constantly going from one thing to the next. The problem with this lifestyle is that things slip between the cracks […]

Is this really progress?

My daughter has been born and raised around the swim center. When she was younger, she spent a lot of time here. She was often in the water, playing or “teaching” alongside my staff. She was constantly asking to go swim. It didn’t matter if she swam an hour ago; she was always ready to […]

The SCSC Difference

Is there really a difference between SCSC and other swim schools? Oh, yes, there IS a difference…actually several differences. Most of us teach freestyle and backstroke, we all probably have warm water, and a lot of the lesson format is similar. But that is likely where the similarities end. Swim schools are as unique as the […]

Top 10 Reasons to Send Your Kids to Summer Camp

10. Physical Activity: Campers are active all summer moving, running, dancing, and having a great time! They won’t have time to think about sitting around, because they will be having too much fun moving! 9. New Interests: Coming to camp will help kids develop interests in new things that they may not have thought about […]

25 Best Summer Camps by the IndyStar

We are very excited that the IndyStar has included SC-Fishers Summer Camps in their 25 Best Summer Camps for 2018! We’re hoping 2019 will bring the same success! Our summer camp program is great for kids age 5-13 years old who love being active, playing sports, swimming, and having fun! We offer nine camps with […]

Drowning does not discriminate

Everyone thinks “it won’t happen to me” but no one is exempt. Drowning does not discriminate. It can happen to anyone, any age, any gender, any race. The only way to prevent it is to be prepared: BARRIERS – Pools should have proper barriers, including fencing, self-latching gates, and safety covers. Doors leading from the […]

Making kids water-safe

We believe that children should stay in swimming lessons until they are water-safe. You’re probably wondering what is considered water-safe, so we want to share this information and make sure everyone who enters our program does so knowing how committed we are to helping children and families be safer in and around water. A water-safe […]

Baby Swim Lessons: Are there benefits?

SCIENTIFIC BENEFITS OF BABY SWIM LESSONS by Lana Whitehead,  SWIMkids USA  #1 REDUCES THE RISK OF DROWNING A case-controlled study conducted by Ruth Brenner and her colleagues discovered that participation in formal swimming lessons can reduce the risk of drowning by 88% among children aged one to four years. The authors concluded that swimming lessons […]

The Benefits of Swimming Lessons

We believe the benefits of swimming lessons are greater than most other sports or activities children participate in. There are countless reason why swimming lessons should be a top priority for every family. SAFETY, SAFETY, SAFETY Drowning is the second leading cause of death and injury in children. Safety is our top priority and we […]

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