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Small Group Classes

Angelfish, Puffer Fish, Clown Fish, Turtles, Whales, & Dolphins make up our small group classes. Our small group classes are considered our “Core” classes. The majority of students in our program swim in one of these levels. Classes range from beginning 2 year olds to older students who are preparing for swim team. Please contact us if the current class schedule does not fit your availability.

Tuition: $119/student per month – Click here for tuition information.


Group Classes – Lower Levels



Requirements: 24 months – 3 1/2 years & never been through our infant/toddler program or took an extended break, caregiver is in the water for the first 1-2 weeks

Angelfish is for children ages 24 months to 3 1/2 who are new to SCSC and have not been through Little Swimmers or participated in an infant/toddler class and is returning from an extended break. This class focuses on teaching children to enjoy water. Students will focus on learning to put their face in the water, blow bubbles, float on their back, and go under the water all while assisted by one of our instructors. It is recommended that parents bring a bathing suit to the first lesson if they anticipate their child being hesitant or fearful. Although this is very common and our instructors are trained to work with fearful children, we believe that parents are the primary source of comfort to their child and we encourage the parents to join their child on deck or in the water. Parents can be in the water for the first 1-2 weeks, but this is often at the teacher’s discretion.

Puffer Fish

Average Age: 3 – 4 1/2 years or completed Angelfish

This class is for children who have been promoted from Angelfish or are 3 years old and new to our program, but are comfortable swimming without a parent in the water. The Puffer Fish class will teach the basics of stroke technique and water safety. Swimmers will learn front and back floats, how to swim underwater 2-3 feet, front and back flutter kicks, front reaches and kicks with their faces in the water, and an introduction to rollover breathing.

Clown Fish

Average Age: 3 – 5 years or completed Puffer Fish

Children must be at least 3 years old and capable of going under water and swimming 2-3 feet independently. Most children enrolled in this class have completed our Puffer Fish class. The primary goals for swimmers in this class are to master proper technique for front flutter kicks and back flutter kicks, further develop their rollover breathing, and be able to swim 5-7 feet independently. Instructors will take this class to the big pool from time to time for jumps and to help them become accustomed to the different environment. Students will also start learning to breathe to the side in preparation for Turtles.

Crabs 1

Age: 4 ½ years old and up, fearful or terrified new swimmers

Crabs 1 classes are for children who are very fearful about swimming and water. Whether it is due to a previous negative experience or busy schedules, many children enter our program with an overwhelming fear of water. Crabs 1 will focus on helping students conquer their fears and become comfortable in water. Once students have overcome their initial fears (through organized and purposeful play), they will work on becoming more comfortable in the water, working on the Three Bs (breath control, balance, & buoyancy).

Crabs 2

Age: 5 years old and up, not comfortable in the water, but willing to try putting face in the water

Crabs 2 classes continue to work on the Three Bs and help students become more comfortable in the water. They also begin learning basic stroke technique, including front and back floats, kicking with their faces in the water, an introduction to side breathing, and backstroke. Depending on their age and abilities upon completing this class, swimmers will be placed into the proper level (typically Clown Fish or Turtles).

Group Classes – Upper Levels


Average Age: 3-10 years or completed Clown Fish

This class is considered a transition class for most children. Younger swimmers who are coming from the Clown Fish class will begin to swim longer distances. Older swimmers who are just entering our program, but have some basic swimming skills, will learn side-breathing. All swimmers will be introduced to backstroke and breaststroke, when their instructor feels they are developmentally ready. Proper stroke technique and breathing are focal points in this class and children will swim shorter distances in order to focus more on doing the strokes correctly.


This class will further develop proper freestyle technique and begin focusing more on backstroke and breaststroke technique. Students will still only swim half the length of the pool, in order to focus on their strokes and breathing. They will also be introduced to elementary backstroke and other safety skills. This class is the first step for students who are possibly interested in pursuing recreational or competitive team swimming. Swimmers will begin swimming the length of our big pool using a kickboard as they prepare to transition to Dolphins.



This is the first class where students will begin swimming the full length of the pool without a kick board. They will also begin learning rhythmic breathing, which is a more advanced form of side-breathing. Swimmers will continue focusing on proper technique of backstroke and breaststroke, while increasing their distances. Butterfly and sidestroke will be introduced in this class, as well as flip turns.

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