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Class From Start-to-Finish

Whether this is your first time attending lessons at SCSC or you are a returning family who just needs to brush up on how things run around here, we want to make sure your first class is smooth sailing! Below you will find a detailed description of lessons from start-to-finish. If you have any questions, check out our FAQ page or contact us.

  • Arrive approximately 15 minutes prior to your child’s lesson.
  • Find your child’s name and lane assignment on the printed Class Roster. Check this weekly, because as new classes are added we may have to change the location of the class and it can be confusing if a child goes to the wrong lane.
  • Give your child a numbered chip corresponding with the lane number. This designates the area, not necessarily the level, in which he or she will be swimming. Have your child take the chip out on deck when his or her lesson time is called.
  • Please have your child use the restroom prior to class.
  • The Deck Supervisor or assistant will call students out from the Dry Door when it is time for their class.
  • Make sure that your child’s swim cap is on and goggles are adjusted before they go in for their lesson. The instructor may send a child back out to the viewing area to have parents adjust goggles or put on a swim cap, in order to not waste valuable class time.
  • All you have to do is have a seat and watch your child enjoy their lesson. We ask that parents not go out on deck unless requested to do so by a staff member.
  • After class, please meet your child at the Wet Door with a towel.
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