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Noblesville Swim Lessons

Swim LessonsOur Noblesville swim lessons are for swimmers of all skills, ages, and abilities. Our indoor, heated pool allows swimmers to learn in an environment that is comfortable and safe. All swimming lessons at our Noblesville facility are year-round, continuous classes, therefore enrollment is always open. Please view our FAQ page to find answers to common questions. Please download our New Enrollment Information Sheet for more details on our policies & procedures.

If you need help selecting the proper class for your child, please check out our Level Guide.

Swim Lesson General Information

All participants are subject to SCSC Policies & Procedures. As a result of our year-round program structure, all Noblesville swim lessons are subject to change based on instructor and pool availability.

Monthly Fees:

$119/child for all other levels (Water Babies is a free class)

Swim LessonsInfant/Toddler Classes

Our Infant/Toddler lessons are a great way to spend time with your child and learn together. For your child, the classes are pure fun. For you, they are a wonderful way to take advantage of the unique manner in which water can strengthen relationships. We believe that a child is never too young to start swimming lessons, therefore we offer a FREE class for infants 4 weeks through 5 months. This is a wonderful way to help your child associate water with pleasure and fun – rather than fear and anxiety, in turn, developing a life-long love and respect of the water. Water Babies, Little Swimmers 1 & 2 require that parents be in the water with their child. 

  • Ages 4 weeks to 2 years
  • Parents are in the water with their child
  • Classes meet once a week for 30 minutes
  • 8:1 student-teacher ratio (Water Babies, Little Swimmers 1 & 2)

View Infant/Toddler Levels & Schedules

Group Classes

Swim Lessons

We go above and beyond for the safety and education of your children. We keep a small student-to-teacher ratio of 4:1. This allows the teacher to work individually with each child as well as with the group. Small class size results in more time-on-task, which is vital to motor skill development. Our small group classes start with the most basic skills for younger swimmers and progress up to higher levels which focus on stroke technique and building endurance. Small group levels include Angelfish, Puffer Fish, Clown Fish, Turtles, Whales, & Dolphins. Parents can be in the water with Angelfish on the first day. 

  • Ages 2 and older
  • Classes meet once per week for 30 minutes
  • 4:1 student-teacher ratio
  • Classes are offered year-round at our indoor facility in Noblesville.

View Group Levels & Schedules

Swim LessonsStroke Development Classes

We offer three competitive stroke levels designed for swimmers who have completed our core small group classes and are interested in diving deeper into the techniques and mechanics of swimming. Our focus in these classes is on proper stroke technique while building endurance, as well as swim team preparation for students who are interested. Stroke development classes are designed to help swimmers who want to participate in swim team or those swimmers who need to improve their technique. Angler Fish, Sting Rays, & Sharks are our stroke development classes and they swim for at least 45 minutes per class.

  • Ages 6+ years old or completed our Dolphins class
  • Classes meet once a week
  • Length of these classes varies from 30 to 60 minutes
  • 6-8:1 student-teacher ratio, based on class

View Stroke Development Levels & Schedules

Specialty Classes

We have many children who start in our infant/toddler classes and stay in continuously. Due to this, we often have young swimmers 2-3 years old, who are ready to swim independently at higher levels. However, their developmental levels are much closer to their ages! Therefore, we have developed two specialty classes to accommodate these students. Little Swimmers 3 is considered a transition class out of Little Swimmers 2, where the instructor will begin working with the parent to transition them out of the water and the child will swim in a small group. Our Seals class is for children who have completed Clown Fish at a very young age and are not quite ready to go into a Turtles class.

SCSC is proud to offer classes for children who are very fearful and for older students who have never learned to swim. We structure these classes similarly to our small group classes, although they often spend more time working on becoming comfortable in the water before learning specific strokes. Similar to our core group classes, specialty classes meet once per week for 30 minutes and have a student/teacher ratio of 4 students per 1 teacher.

  • Children who started at SCSC young or excel at a young age (Little Swimmers 3 & Seals)
  • Children age 4+ who are fearful or terrified (Crabs 1 & 2)
  • Private, semi-private, and group lessons

View Specialty Levels & Schedules

Adult & Young Adult Classes

Adult and young adult classes are for ages 13 years old and up. The skills taught in these classes are tailored to the needs and goals of the individuals enrolled in the class. Our classes are designed for beginner swimmers. The class schedule is available by clicking the link below. The majority of our adult and young adult classes have a student/teacher ratio of 4 students per 1 teacher. All adult and young adult classes meet for 30 minutes once per week.

View Adult Levels & Schedules

Special Abilities Classes

SCSC has over 10 USSSA certified Special Abilities instructors to work with students who have unique physical, mental, and emotional needs. We offer group, semi-private, & private lessons for students of all ages and abilities. Students who need to be in a private or semi-private class will pay the standard group monthly tuition rate. If a student is capable of swimming with other students, but the parent requests a private or semi-private, they will pay private rates. All special abilities classes meet once per week for 30 minutes.

Contact us to schedule a trial class or for more information.

Our Curriculum

At Stony Creek Swim Center, our curriculum develops proper stroke technique and fundamental swimming skills. We use the ‘rollover’ method of breathing in our lessons. Students are taught to rollover onto their back to float, relax, and get a breath. This method is taught primarily in our small pool and may be used as a review in our big pool. Once the student has mastered the rollover, we shorten this movement to a half of a rollover which is the proper method of rhythmic breathing. You will see our instructors using a ‘1,2,3, Breathe’ method to cue students on breathing. Students are taught to breathe on the same side after every other pull. In our higher levels, they will be taught to alternate sides to get their breath. Our classes are all geared toward helping children be safe around water. Floating, treading water, and safety jumps are all taught in order to provide children with resources to help themselves should they ever fall into water. We believe it is important to keep your child in swimming lessons until they can adequately swim a lap of each stroke. Learning should be fun, repetition is key, consistency is a must, and swimming is not only fun… it’s a necessity!

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