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Consistency in a Chaotic World

Open_Swim_WEBIf your life is anything like ours, you are running from one activity to the next, squeezing in dinner, and grasping at a little down time whenever possible. This is the world we live in: constantly going from one thing to the next. The problem with this lifestyle is that things slip between the cracks and we fall victim to the demands of society at the expense of other areas of our lives.

Creating a consistent routine for our families and children is one of the best ways to counter the effects of our chaotic lifestyles. There are many benefits to maintaining consistency in our lives, and for our children it is even more important.

  • Consistency allows for measurement – When we do something consistently, it allows us to measure growth and progress.
  • Consistency creates accountability – By consistently doing something it forces us to set goals and be accountable to our progress.
  • Consistency maintains the message – If you consistently do things it shows others what is important to you. (Eric Holtzclaw, Inc.com)

Tony Robbins has been quoted saying, “It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.” Our lives are made up of the things we consistently bring into them, whether that is positive or negative.

What is SCSC doing to improve consistency?

So what does this have to do with swimming lessons? It’s a new year and we have decided to proclaim this a year of consistency. We believe that swimming lessons need to be a staple in every kid’s life, because it is a lifesaving skill. We also know that our students get more out of their lessons when there is consistency. Therefore, we are making a pledge in 2020 to provide consistency to our swim families in every way possible.

  1. Instructors – Our instructors have lives outside of the pool, however, they are committed to consistent work attendance so their students receive the greatest benefits possible.
  2. Classes – We want our students to feel comfortable and safe no matter who their teacher is or where they are swimming in our pools. In order to do this, we will have consistent expectations and rules for all students, no matter their age, level, teacher, or location.
  3. Communication – We want to provide consistent communication regarding teacher changes, substitutes, and policies. We know that our students need time to prepare for changes and we pledge to make this a top priority.

What can parents do to improve consistency?

While we can provide consistency from within, we are going to need your help to provide outside consistency. Please help us by making swimming a priority in your family.

  1. Attend class regularly – We know things come up and absences happen, but we ask that absences be minimal and we encourage parents to do make-ups when your child must miss their regular class.
  2. Arrive early for class – By arriving 5-10 minutes early, it provides enough time to get ready for class. This includes putting on swim caps, making sure goggles fit properly, & going to the bathroom before going into class.
  3. Stay enrolled year-roundYear-round swimming lessons provide several benefits to parents and children alike. They not only offer a greater overall value to your student and wallet, but they provide critical skills and opportunities for students to learn in the fastest and efficient manner.

As we evaluate our students each week, we find that the ones who attend lessons regularly often make the most progress and the students who miss class often tend to remain in levels longer, making progress at a much slower rate.

Together we can make 2020 the best year we have ever had at SCSC. Thank you for your continued dedication and commitment to the safety of your children!

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