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May is National Water Safety Month!

Water Safety Month logoDrowning is the #1 cause of accidental death in children under the age of 5 years old and we are passionate about reducing that number and keeping kids safe in and around water. Our number one goal is to teach children to be water safe, while learning to enjoy swimming and making it a life-long activity. We have programs that fit all types of swimmers, from our Water Babies class for the littlest of kiddos to swim team for the big kids, we have something that is PERFECT for your child! If you need help finding the right program for your family, please contact us. We also believe that cost should never prevent someone from learning to swim. In order to further our goal of creating water-wise children, we have a financial assistance program for families who otherwise may not be able to afford swimming lessons. For more information or to apply for financial assistance, please contact us.

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