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Great instructors take work!

Great Instructors at SCSC

Everyday we get requests for several senior instructors. Parents want to enroll their children with these specific instructors because they are considered to be some of the best swim instructors at SCSC. They challenge their students, they push them to do better, they can manage a full class without a single hiccup, and they connect with their students on a deeper level. They are amazing instructors and every parent wants their child to swim with these excellent individuals.

However, what parents do not seem to realize is that every single one of these talented instructors began teaching at SCSC when they were very young. Ms. Jessica was only 14 years old when she began working for us, Ms. Allison & Ms. Rachel were 15 years old when they started teaching at SCSC, and Ms. Kiya had just turned 16 years old. They did not walk in our doors with the incredible talent and skills they possess today. In fact, each of them started as mediocre. They began their teaching careers as new, hesitant, “ok” teachers. It’s taken years of training and practice to become the amazing instructors that they are today. They have been criticized by parents, received complaints at some point, and gone through extra training to fix problems. We have worked side-by-side with them to mold and shape them into the type of teachers we want at SCSC, but it was not always fun or easy. Yet each of them has come out on the other side as a better instructor and person!

Give them a chance

So when your child gets a “new” teacher, try not to jump to the conclusion that it’s a bad thing. We constantly evaluate our instructors performance and conduct on-going training. However, the best way for our teachers to become great is to receive constructive feedback from parents. Please talk to us! Tell us what you think and we will work with your instructor.

New instructors do not become great overnight. It takes experience, training, and constructive feedback to become great!


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