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Notes from the Lily Pad

Archive of news and announcements from Stony Creek Swim Center

Creating water-wise children

I’m sure many of you have seen the video of a small, unsupervised toddler falling into a swimming pool and “self rescuing” himself. We have heard many individuals proclaim how incredible this video is and how all children should be able to do this. We have also heard of programs in our area that teach […]

Why swim year-round?

When summer draws to a close, some children say goodbye to their swim instructors and new SCSC friends to begin sports and music lessons or focus on schoolwork. Parents don’t think twice about pulling their child out of swimming lessons in order to start a new activity. Yet when summer rolls around again the following […]

This is why we do not make promises.

We actually do make promises at SCSC. We promise that your child will receive an excellent lesson and if you feel that they haven’t, we ask that you come talk to a manager. We promise to provide a warm, comfortable environment, because we believe that is the only way to learn. We promise to address […]

May is National Water Safety Month!

Drowning is the #1 cause of accidental death in children under the age of 5 years old and we are passionate about reducing that number and keeping kids safe in and around water. Our number one goal is to teach children to be water safe, while learning to enjoy swimming and making it a life-long […]

The Truth About Drowning

Summer is just around the corner and while most people think sunshine, vacations, and picnics with the family, those of us in the aquatic education industry begin thinking about the more dangerous side of summer: the very realistic problem of drowning. Every year we hear about children drowning, typically during the summer months. Every day, […]

SCSC Weather Policies

As winter approaches, we want to make sure that all of our families are aware of our weather policies. Please take a moment to read through everything and contact us with questions or concerns. If Noblesville Schools close in the morning before school starts DUE TO ROAD CONDITIONS , we will cancel lessons normally held […]

Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning

Summer is just around the corner and while most people think sunshine, vacations, and picnics with the family, those of us in the aquatic education industry begin thinking about the more dangerous side of summer: the very realistic problem of drowning. Every year we hear about children drowning, typically during the summer months, and usually […]

Meet the Instructors at SCSC!

We have so many amazing instructors at Stony Creek. Some instructors have been with us for over 10 years and others are new to our team, but they all have a few things in common. All of our instructors have a passion for children and water safety and they have been working very hard to […]

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