Yes, Stony Creek Swim Center offers a financial aid program. Please contact our office for additional information. **TEMPORARY CHANGE DUE TO COVID-19** Any missed class can be made up at anytime as long as the student is currently enrolled. Missed make-up classes will not be rescheduled unless we receive 24 hours’ notice. We do our best to schedule make-ups based on customer request, but there are certain times of the year when we may be scheduling large numbers of make-ups and therefore we may not be able to meet every need. To accommodate make-ups, we may put your child in the level below or above their current level. All our instructors can teach split-levels, therefore leveling up or down will not affect the quality of the lesson. We do not offer make-up lessons for Water Babies. There are a few ways that you can schedule a make-up for your child: That’s a great question! There are a few things that you should know before you enroll your child, We have an 8-lesson minimum for all students. We feel that you will not see much progress if students swim for less than 8 weeks. We would love to talk to you more about this! Students need to start within 2 weeks of the registration date. Children age 2 1/2 and older typically swim without mom or dad in the water, but we are always willing to work with you on this! Once you register, that spot is yours until you complete a Registration Withdrawal form and submit it by the 10th of the month you wish to end. Check out our Policies page for additional information. Glad you asked! We do have an info sheet that explains our policies and procedures. It also tells you what to expect and how classes run! Our Water Babies class is the very first class we offer for newborns as young as 4 weeks. The only requirements is that the child’s umbilical cord has already fallen off and that the child have a little bit of head control. Most newborns have reached both of these milestones by 4 weeks. In the Water Babies class parents will have the opportunity to bond with their child in a very unique and comforting way that is also a more familiar environment for the baby. We do not submerge children until the instructor feels they are developmentally prepared to do so and we feel this class is a great opportunity for relaxed bonding. There are a few restrictions in our Water Babies program. Students must be 4 weeks old and can remain in the class until they turn 6 months old, at which point they will be promoted into Little Swimmers 1. Depending on the child’s birthday, they could be promoted at the end of the month before they turn 6 months (i.e. a child with an early birthday will be promoted at the end of the month previous). Check with the office for specific withdrawal dates. Due to the overwhelming popularity of this class, we have a strict attendance policy. Students who miss two consecutive weeks without contacting us in advance OR miss a total of 4 lessons will be automatically withdrawn from the class, so that other students have the opportunity to enjoy the class. Students can only attend one Water Babies lesson per week and we do not offer make-ups for missed or cancelled lessons. All children under the age of 3 years old are required to wear a reusable Happy Nappy swim diapers. These go down to a newborn size and are available to purchase in our office. Feel free to contact us with any other questions. Water Babies is a free class for children UP TO 6 months old. If you choose to stay enrolled continuously from Water Babies directly into Little Swimmers 1 you will receive a promotional tuition rate. However, this rate is only received if the following criteria is met: Students who do not complete at least four lessons and/or do not graduate from Water Babies are NOT eligible for the promotional discount tuition rate for Little Swimmers 1. To register online for classes, you can view the available classes on the Noblesville lesson page and click “Register” to enroll. This will take you to an Online Registration form. Please complete the form, including the bank information at the bottom, and click “Submit Registration Information” to complete your registration. Our classes are divided into four categories and each has its own registration page. If you are a new client, your initial tuition fee will be charged within 2-3 business days of registration. This fee will be adjusted to reflect the student’s start date. Tuition for the following month will be charged on the 15th of the month, regardless of initial start date. Therefore, if you enroll at the beginning of January, your initial tuition fee will be charged within 2-3 business days and tuition for February will be charged on January 15th. Tuition will be charged on the 15th of the month prior henceforth until a written cancellation form is submitted. Yes, we have several certified USSSA Special Abilities instructors who teach children with unique physical, mental, and developmental differences. Please contact us to schedule a trial lesson or for more information. Children are often emotional during their first few lessons. They might cry and cling to you, but from 25+ years of experience we have found that the best approach is to give them a hug and kiss and allow the teacher to take them in the pool. Our instructors are highly trained and are prepared to work through these typical fears. There are five distinct “types” of crying and our instructors are trained to recognize the differences: Fear: Clinging to the teacher, swim gym, or side of the pool, shaking, can sometimes be silent/no tears, scratching & climbing the instructor to get away from the water Separation anxiety: Reaching for, crying for caregiver Anger: Hitting, splashing, kicking, yelling, or other aggressive behavior Pain/Discomfort: Water in the nose, grabbing nose, pulling nose, crying immediately after submerging, rubbing eyes Tired/Hungry: Lethargic, clingy, steady cry, yawning, whining, etc… Our staff know that there are different teaching strategies for each of these types of crying and they will adapt their teaching to reflect the child’s needs. In many cases, if the parent steps back away from the windows, the student will calm down faster. We do ask that parents not stand on deck during their child’s class, as it is distracting to other students and often causes the child to remain upset. However, if you are concerned about your child or their class, please contact us! We always want to do what is best for the children. SC-Noblesville is located at 15550 Stony Creek Way in the Stony Creek Industrial Park, which is at the northwest corner of SR 37 & 146th St. Crabs classes are older beginner levels for children age 4 years and older who are terrified, fearful, or hesitant. Crabs 1 will focus on helping children overcome their fear of water and become comfortable in the water. Once students have overcome their initial fears, they will move into Crabs 2 and begin learning basic stroke technique, including an introduction to side-breathing and backstroke. Children under the age of 4 years old who may be hesitant or fearful, should enroll in the Puffer Fish class. It is common for children to be slightly hesitant when they first enter lessons and the Puffer Fish class is designed to accommodate these situations. If a child is over the age of 5 years old and has never had lessons, but is NOT fearful of water, please contact our office and we will most likely start them directly in Crabs 2. SC-Noblesville is a year-round continuous enrollment facility. We do not run in sessions, so you are welcome to enroll at anytime. Please view our schedule to find available classes. We do require students to enroll in a minimum of eight consecutive lessons and you must submit a Registration Withdrawal Form in order to withdraw. We charge $33 per class billed monthly for group lessons (infant/toddler, small group, stroke development, & specialty). There is a $2 discount for Weekday lessons. This fee is charged on the 20th of the month prior. Please view our Registration & Policies page for more information. Minimal semi-private and private lessons are available. Please contact us for information. Please read our level guide to determine which class most suits your child’s needs and abilities. Each of our levels is designed to build on specific skills. If you feel unsure about what level your child should be in, please call our office and we will help you find the perfect class. Stony Creek Swim Center requires that all customers enroll in our automatic billing program. A recurring monthly charge will be debited from your checking account or credit card on the 15th of the month prior (i.e. February tuition is charged on January 15th). After completing the required 8-lesson minimum, you can withdraw your child from lessons at anytime with written notification. We have Registration Withdrawal Forms in the office or online and you need to fill this out by the 10th of the month prior to when you wish to withdraw. For example, if you want to withdraw your child as of August, you would need to turn in the form by July 10th, so that we do not charge your checking account on the 15th. This allows us adequate time to remove your child from the class and fill the spot. If you are paying for three months at a time, it is very important that you notify us by the 10th of the third month as to whether you will be continuing or not. Therefore, if you paid for June, July, and August you would need to fill out the withdrawal form or pay for the next three months by August 10th. Your next payment would be for September, October, and November. Any student that is withdrawing from a class must fill out a Registration Withdrawal Form as of the 10th of the month prior, no matter which form of payment was used. Students are evaluated continuously by their instructors, however we conduct formal evaluations on a 6-week rotating schedule. Students will be evaluated on the skills for their current level. If the student is ready to move to the next level, the instructor will make a recommendation on the report card. We are happy to evaluate students at any time, however students who are absent during evaluations will not receive a report card. We will send an email and put up signs to notify parents of upcoming evaluations. Goggles, swim caps, and swim diapers are all available for purchase in the office. Some children’s eyes are more sensitive than others. The best rule to follow when making this decision is whether or not the child will fully participate in aquatic activities without the use of goggles. If the answer is no, we suggest trying out a pair. We have goggles on the pool deck for students to borrow. Personal goggles are highly recommended due to the time wasted adjusting goggles for each student’s needs. Parents and caregivers are allowed to wait in their car during their child’s lesson, if they are not comfortable sitting in the viewing areas. This is entirely optional, and no one is required to wait in their cars. However, if you would like to, we do have some specific criteria: There is no simple answer to this question. Each child is different and will therefore learn at their own pace. However, we can tell you that putting your child in for only a month or two and then withdrawing them will most likely lead to more harm than good. A fearful child who comes to swimming lessons for only one month may leave and no longer be afraid of the water, but they will also not be able to swim. This makes for a very dangerous situation and one that we strongly discourage. Children who are fearful are less likely to go near the water, however a child who has overcome that fear but has not actually learned how to swim has an unrealistic confidence that can result in disaster. One month of swimming lessons is approximately two hours of instruction. There are very few activities in life, let alone life threatening ones, that can be learned adequately in two hours. Our suggestion is to enroll your child from an early age–ideally before they are a year old–and keep them in lessons year-round until they are able to comfortably swim the length of the pool using both freestyle and backstroke. We understand that this is a big commitment, but your child’s safety is our primary concern. Please read through our General Policies for more information on make-ups, facility closings, holidays, and other important information. If you ever have questions or concerns, feel free to call the office.Frequently Asked Questions
Do you offer any type of financial assistance?
How do I schedule a make-up class?
What do I need to know BEFORE registering for lessons?
Do you have an info sheet that will explain EVERYTHING I need to know about swimming at SCSC?
What is Water Babies?
How do I register online?
Why was I charged twice in the same month?
Do you offer lessons for children with special needs?
What should I do if my child is crying?
Where is SCSC?
What are Crabs 1 & 2 and who should enroll?
Do you have sessions?
What is the cost of lessons?
What level is best for my child?
What are my payment options?
Can I withdraw my child at anytime?
How will I know when my child is ready to move to the next level?
What should I bring to my child's lesson?
Should my child use goggles?
Can I leave while my child is swimming?
How long should I plan to leave my child in lessons?
Is there anything else I need to know before my class starts?